Why Hospital Shield?

Financial Security

Hospital Shield is tailor-made for those with high deductibles, ensuring they don’t have to shoulder heavy financial burdens when healthcare needs arise.

Direct Payment

We believe in direct benefits. Our policy pays directly to the consumer, putting the power of choice back into their hands.

Perfect Compliment to ACA

Hospital Shield isn’t just another insurance product. It's the ideal companion to ACA, designed to seamlessly integrate and fill the gaps

Every ACA Sale is an Opportunity

Remember, every time you sell an ACA plan, Hospital Shield should be a part of the conversation. Offer more, sell more.

Affordable Plans

Our commitment to making insurance accessible is evident in our pricing. Plans begin as low as $27 per month.

Simple & Clear Benefits

We pride ourselves on transparency. Our benefits are straightforward, easy to understand, and there are no hidden clauses.

Flexibility of Cash

The cash benefits from Hospital Shield can be used to pay off deductibles. If the deductible is already paid, the cash paid directly can be used as the consumer sees fit. It’s all about giving them control.

Enhanced Direct Enrollment (EDE) for ACA with SelfGood

Navigating the complexities of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) can be challenging for both agents and their clients. At SelfGood Insurance Group, we believe in empowering our agents with the most efficient and up-to-date tools to make ACA insurance sales as straightforward and profitable as possible.

Ready to elevate your ACA sales strategy? Join the SelfGood family today, and let's redefine healthcare solutions together.